Thursday, July 1, 2010

Team Jacob

If you don't understand this post from the title, you might want to stop reading now. Really. Stop reading. Now. Okay...don't say I didn't warn you.

CHRIS AND I WENT TO SEE ECLIPSE AND I LOVED IT! I didn't have enough energy or patience to stand in line for hours for the midnight premiere, but we did see the movie opening day at 4 p.m. We only waited in line for 30 minutes or so. I was dying to wear my Team Jacob shirt, but Chris said he would absolutely not go if I wore it. Okay, fine by me, I'll just exude Team Jacob-ness on my own. I was surprised he agreed to go in the first place, so I wasn't going to push my luck.

In the 30 minutes we were in line, I saw at least a dozen Team Jacob shirts and no Team Edward shirts. After pointing this out to Chris he said, "it's because Team Edward people are emo and don't actually go out and buy Team Edward shirts". Possibly true. "I should get a Team Bella shirt," Chris said. I NEARLY DIED! "No one's Team Bella!!" I said a little too loudly. He cracked a smile and followed up with the only thing that could have made me even more mad...."okay, I'm Team Kristen Stewart then."

He hit me where it hurt. I hate Bella. She's annoying, whiny and completely helpless. As much as I hate Bella though, I hate Kristen Stewart even more. What?! This chick gets to be in some of the biggest movies ever?! This "actress" (I use this term loosely because I assume she's exactly the same off screen, therefore, she's not actually acting), gets to make millions of dollars and work along side Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner?! What kind of world are we living in?! Okay, so I might be overreacting just a tad...

A large popcorn, sprite, 2 hotdogs and a bag of skittles later, the best movie of the Twilight Saga so far was done. I cannot wait for Breaking Dawn (in two parts!) to come out. Chris and I will be there...sans Team Jacob and Team Kristen Stewart shirts.

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