Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lucky Little Brother

My brother, Jay, got into a motorcycle accident on the freeway a couple weeks ago. He was trying to switch into the carpool lane, and while looking over his shoulder to merge, the car in front of him suddenly stopped. His right hand hit the tail lights of that car and he went flying. His motorcycle went straight ahead in the carpool lane and got totaled by the car behind him. Luckily he went tumbling into the divider instead of staying in the lane. He walked away with nothing but scratched up knees, some bruises and a broken pinky finger.

Of course I went to sit with him in the ER.
Jay in ER

The doctors re-aligned his finger and put it in a splint, but he was scheduled for surgery 13 days later. They were going to place a pin in his finger so his finger would heal straight.
Jay and Dad

While we waited I knit of course.
Europe Sweater

After Jay got admitted, I was allowed to sit with him in pre-op before his surgery.
"You look like a homeless Asian Johnny Depp."
Jay and Car
Jay "Sleeping"

The doctors finally came and took a look at his finger. Looked like it was healing really well, one of them said. He wanted to do an x-ray before doing the surgery to see if adding the pin would even help in its healing.

Turned out, his finger couldn't have been healing any better. His IV got taken out and we walked right back out to the waiting room to see my Dad and Adel. They were shocked and very happy that Jay didn't need to have surgery!

To celebrate, we went across the street to have lunch.
Adel and Dad
Car and Jay

Jay's thoughts - 1) I woke up early for nothing 2) It sucks that I didn't get to eat anything after midnight 3) Good, I get to make my 4:00 class. Funny kid he is.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your brother is better. You look so alike! M xx


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