Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nurses in the City

Chris and I went to San Francisco with some of my co-workers.!
C&C on Bart

Jessica, one of our travelers, and her husband, Matt.
Jess and Matt

Matt, a traveler in the CV ICU, Mary, one of my best friends who works in our NICU, Jessica, and Matt.
Matt, Mary, Jess, Matt

We took Bart and got off at Powell and ate (and drank!) at the first pub we saw.
Girl Drink
Caroline and Mary

Caryn, another one of our travelers, and me.
Caryn and Caroline

Chris and one of our travelers turned staff, Alicia.
Chris and Alicia

The bill...
...hahaha! Our server gave us this one as a joke, 98% plus another $100 gratuity?!

Off to a bar called Foley's.
Chris, Jess, Matt
Caryn, Alicia, Chris and Caroline



Love my Mare.
Mary and Caroline

Then, the night gets funny.
Bathroom Picture
Matt and Mary

(...I have no idea what's going on in this picture...)

Jess and Caroline
Poor Chrissy
Sitting in Bart Station

My absolute favorites...
Boys Laying on the Floor
Boy on the Floor
Who lays on the floor in the Bart station?!

We had a BLAST! I cannot wait to hang out with all these people again!

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