Friday, July 15, 2011

Eleven days late, but better late than never.

We started the 4th off with a bang, with 5 or 6 babies born on night shift at our hospital.
Hats for the babies!
4th of July Hats
4th of July Hats 2

After a quick nap, we headed over to my dad's house for the most classic of 4th of July celebrations. We hung out with our family and friends, had a delicious BBQ and just enjoyed all the fun we could have outdoors.

Happy faces.

A yard full of dogs. The brown one at my feet is Maverick, my sister's dog. The black dog with brown legs in the front is my dog, Lexi. The all black pug is my sister's friend's dog, Rocky, and the white and brown dog is my brother's girlfriend's dog, Poppy.
4 dogs

Fun included sidewalk chalk.
Little K duplicated my house while holding his red, white and blue pinwheel.

We had a really fun water balloon fight that ended with some strategy...freezing cold water balloons.
Water Balloons


If food is near, so are begging dogs.
Begging Dogs

No relaxing afternoon would be complete without a little crafting. I got one crochet baby hat done and it's being modeled by my Klondike bar which was devoured soon after this picture was taken.

My brothers, dad and step mom went to see the fireworks show a a few blocks away and then of course, we set off a few fireworks in the middle of our quiet street.

Overall a very fun and relaxing 4th!

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