Saturday, September 10, 2011

MSN, anyone?

That's right folks, I'm applying to grad school! I may be out of my mind, but I'm doing it. I want to do the nurse educator course so I can some day teach nursing students either in a hospital/clinical setting or down the line, in a classroom setting. I love bedside nursing, but ideally, I'd work 3 days on the floor and one day a week teaching.

I had no idea how much paperwork and how far back in my schooling career I'd have to dig to apply to the graduate program. Looks like I'll even have to take an intro to econ class to fulfill part of the graduate application requirement. Great - back in a classroom with spunky 18 year olds. Oy.

So, if I'm even more absent than I was before, you'll know why. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

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