Saturday, April 6, 2013

One Week

Little Bruce is one week old today!

We went to the Newborn Club again today and Bruce weighs 7 pounds 10.5 ounces! He gained 2.5 ounces in 2 days - woohoo! Goal is an ounce a day and to be back to birth weight around 2 weeks old. He didn't get his blood drawn today (phew), but they use some little tool to get a rough guess of his bilirubin level and it was 12.5. We did a feeding at the Newborn Club and after feeding on the left, he took in a little less than half an ounce. On the right, he took in an entire ounce! The plan is to go back to the Newborn Club in two days, on Monday. If his bilirubin level continues to go down and his feedings go well and weight goes up, the nurse said we can get rid of the bili blanket and stop supplementing! This sounds too good to be true, but we're hopeful. We're going to keep up the feeding/pumping/supplementing routine we have going now and hopefully, only good news on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

I can't wait to get rid of this bili blanket!

Sitting in the car waiting for Dad to pick up Five Guys for lunch. Look at that chubby little face!

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