Saturday, December 4, 2010

Keep Me Laughing

I think the difference between children and adults is that adults have a verbal filter. They take that extra second to think prior to speaking so they don't say something either dumb or rude. Chris sometimes loses his filter, further proving that he's truly only a 9-year-old. It happens quite frequently, for instance, these all happened on our short Disneyland trip.

Chris: "What's that place called where we want to eat? Dinner With Knights?"
Me: "Medieval Times."
Chris: "That's what I said!"

Chris walking into Fantasyland in Disneyland: "Where are we?"
Me: "Fantasyland."
Chris: "Nope, Strollerland."

While driving in LA traffic, I see a truck with a sticker on it.
Me: "It says 'shark tank'!"
Chris, in rapid succession: "Shark tank? Shark tooth? Sharp tooth! Shark bait! OOH HAHA!"

Me enunciating carefully and holding up the appropriate number of fingers to drive the point home: "I'm tweeeenty fiiiive!!"
Chris mocking me and enunciating just as carefully: "Cincuentaaa y doooos!"
Me: "I'm not 52!"
Chris, as his face falls: "Oh."


  1. hahaha even if boys will always be dumb, even when they're "men", at least they make life interesting!

  2. Hilarious! I love it! Kraig and I always try and come up with as many words as we can that rhyme while were on long road trips.


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