Sunday, December 12, 2010

Life Without a 9 to 5

Those who work night shift are a little crazy, I'll admit it.
Those who work night shift in labor and delivery are a little crazier.
Our unit doesn't stop because the clinic closes or because most doctors are at home fast asleep.
We don't get to tuck our patients into bed for a night of quiet slumber like most people think we do.
While you're off in dreamland, we're dealing with every emergency and miracle you can imagine.

Fact: More babies are born at night.

We rearrange our entire lives to work night shift.
We eat, sleep and socialize on a completely different schedule.
Our idea of an "after work drink" is a mimosa at breakfast, not a cocktail at happy hour.
We eat "dinner" at 3 a.m.

How in the world do I manage to work night shift you ask?
*I'm an amazing sleeper. If there were an Olympic event for sleeping, I'd definitely win the gold. I can sleep anywhere, anytime and for any increment of time.
*I'm an even better eater! Breakfast for dinner isn't just a novel idea I get to do "for fun" every now and again, it's my life. My mind and body no longer think lasagna at 4 a.m. is weird or after sleeping for 9 hours, that eating a heavy meal of steak and potatoes for "breakfast" isn't normal.
*I have an amazing and understanding husband who works around my oddball schedule and never gives me grief when I'm wide awake at 3 a.m. on my day off, or am exhausted and feel like I need a 3 hour nap at 4 in the afternoon.
*I work with the best group of people who keep me awake and laughing from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., our 9 to 5.

To celebrate my fellow crazies this holiday season and in keeping with night shift tradition, we celebrate over breakfast! All holiday parties start at 8:15 a.m., right?

We had a delicious breakfast spread at Parcel 104.
Parcel 104

There's a station to make your own waffle, a bountiful breakfast buffet, and an omelette bar.
Oh, and fresh squeezed orange juice to die for.

Rosemarie, Catherine and Judy at the breakfast buffet.
Breakfast Buffet

Judy, Kalei and Dolores at the omelette bar.
Omelette Bar

My B-E-A-UUUUTIFUL co-workers! Kylie and Kalei.
Kylie and Kalei

Anita and Dolores.
Anita and Dolores

Jocelyn and Aimee.
Jocelyn and Aimee

Me and Catherine.
Caroline and Catherine

Esther and her husband, Wayne.
Wayne and Esther

I couldn't manage without these people.

Group 2

We sacrifice a lot to work the "forgotten" shift...the shift no one gives a second thought about until they need us. We deserve to celebrate! If you know anyone who works the night shift, hug them and thank them for keeping the world running while you get in your beauty sleep.

(Big thanks to Maria, our night shift assistant manager, for all the pictures!)


  1. Hey thanks for your comments on my blog! I guess I should update more often huh? ;) So it's funny cuz my middle name is Caroline! Man I have tried working the swing shift (2:45-11:15) and hated it. You are awesome for working the night/graveyard shift. That would be insane! But I'm really glad you love doing what you do and that your hubby is understanding of your schedule!

  2. Hi! Just saw your comment on my blog :) It was a fast and great labor! I could probably work nights these days since I am up taking care of a baby anyway ha ha

  3. I'm awake all night and nap on and off all day - lots of people tell me to have a baby now since I'm already on a baby's schedule, haha!


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